The Emerson Row Dollhouse Day 8

It's time to work on the interior staircase. I started by using two pieces of leftover wood to create trims for the sides of the hallway walls where the two floors meet. This step isn't necessary, but I chose to do it because it covered the line from my wallpaper patch. While this line wasn't noticeable from the back of the dollhouse, it was quite visible when looking through the large front hall window, which offers a clear view of the interior. These trim pieces will hide that patch line. 

The instructions suggest assembling the stairs inside the dollhouse, but I decided to build the entire staircase outside instead. I completed everything except for the riser that goes on the second floor, which I'll install once the staircase is in place in the dollhouse. Building the staircase was straightforward. 

After it dried, I could install it in the dollhouse, but first, I needed to put in the hallway window trim to ensure easy access later. Installing the assembled staircase was simple and required only minimal tapping. While the staircase dried, I installed all of the interior window trim. After that, I painted and installed the trim for the flat roof.