The Washington 2.0 Dollhouse Day 8

I stained the roof panels I put in yesterday, making sure I got all the edges. The roof panels have a shingle pattern to them, so I’m not going to stencil it.

I stenciled the right side of the dollhouse today and added the leaves to the windows. I hot glued the leaves on the window boxes because they tend to move from their place. Hot glue is best to use on things like these because you never know when you might want to change them and hot glue allows them to be removable.

Time to install the top part of the chimney. I had to modify it a little because it's supposed to align with the side wall chimney and it wasn’t because the slot on the roof was making it fall slightly to the left. All I did was cut off the tab from the chimney and pre-assembled it away from the dollhouse.

After the glue dried, I stained and positioned it in alignment to the side wall chimney, on the roof. I glued it on and that’s it. I made sure to cover the opening on the roof panel with it.

I stenciling the left side wall and the back attic wall. I added a little bit of touch up stenciling around the dollhouse, making sure I got all the small areas, like the porch steps, etc.

Now I have to move on to the inside and the inside needs a lot of work.