I stained the roof panels I installed yesterday, ensuring I covered all the edges. Since the panels have a shingle pattern, I decided not to use a stencil.
Today, I stenciled the right side of the dollhouse and added leaves to the windows. I used hot melt glue to attach the leaves to the window boxes because they tend to shift. Hot melt glue is ideal for this type of project since it allows for easy removal if I want to change things later.
Next, I worked on installing the top part of the chimney. I had to make some adjustments because it needed to align with the chimney on the side wall, but the slot on the roof was causing it to tilt slightly to the left. To fix this, I cut off a tab from the chimney and pre-assembled it away from the dollhouse.
After the glue dried, I stained and positioned the chimney so it aligned with the side wall chimney on the roof. I glued it in place, making sure it covered the opening in the roof panel. I also stenciled the left side wall and the back attic wall, adding some touch-up stenciling around small areas of the dollhouse, like the porch steps. Now it's time to focus on the inside, which needs a lot of work.