The Vineyard Cottage Dollhouse Day 6

I painted the underside eaves of all the roofs, dormers, and porch. I also used spackle to fill in gaps and slots, followed by touch-up paint on the exterior. 

Inside, I painted the rounded tops of the dormers pink to match the wallpaper, adding more detail to their appearance. I turned the dollhouse upside down and added felt pads to each corner. Since the dollhouse will sit directly on furniture without a landscaped base, these pads provide extra protection. 

I also painted the bottom of the bay to prevent any unfinished wood from showing when the dollhouse is turned upside down. To hide the joint between the wall and the dormers, I used skinny sticks to trim under the skewers I had already placed at the ceiling/wall joint. I painted these pink to match the wallpaper. 

To cover gaps between the dormer roofs and sides, I initially thought of using pink sandpaper. I painted a piece of sandpaper pink, cut it into four strips, and glued them over the joint. This worked well since skewers and skinny sticks would have been too thick and visible on the front of the dormer. The sandpaper provided a flat solution that blended nicely.