While working on my dollhouse, I carefully trimmed the dormer windows using skinny sticks to create peaked tops instead of rounded ones. At each corner where these sticks intersected, I placed small wooden caps, staining them in a darker color to coordinate with the staircase and floors. I used skewers to trim the gables and the junctures where the roof meets the second-floor walls. Additional skinny sticks were used to trim the back edge of the center partition wall near the staircase.
To enhance the wooden surfaces, I applied varnish to the floors, giving them a subtle shine. Wooden caps also adorned the bay trim, adding decorative detail. I meticulously touched up both exterior and interior imperfections using paint that perfectly matched the printed floor and pink wallpaper. I painted the back edges of the floors, noting that this particular dollhouse did not require full trim around the back since the edges face inward.
Finally, I completed the exterior dormer trims by gluing them into place.