The Vineyard Cottage Dollhouse Day 5

I had to trim the openings for the dormer windows with skinny sticks. Since I cannot make the rounded tops, I made peaks. I used small wooden caps to trim every corner where the skinny sticks meet. I stained them in the darker color, so they match the staircase and floors.

I used skewers to trim the gables and where the roof and wall meet on the second floor. I used skinny sticks to trim the back edge of the center partition wall where the staircase is.

I varnished the floors to give them some shine.

I also used the wooden caps to decorate the bay trim.

I touched up exterior and interior flaws with paint. Thankfully I have paint that is identical to the printed floor and pink wallpaper. I had to paint the back edges of the floors. This dollhouse does not need trim all around the back because the edges face inwards and not outwards.

I finished gluing on the exterior dormer trims.