Finishing an attic with a dormer window requires careful planning and preparation. It's essential to dry fit all components and finish them before installation, as the precision-cut parts fit tightly together.
For the dormer window sub-assembly, first finish the wall triangle and paint the eaves of the dormer roof and side walls. Assemble this part separately from the dollhouse, following the kit instructions. Use masking tape through the window opening to keep the front wall triangle flush with the roof and side walls.
When working on the front roof, decide whether to paint or wallpaper it, and determine the number of partitions for the attic. If wallpapering, mark the positions of side walls and partitions before applying the paper. Be cautious when cutting out openings in wet wallpaper, and avoid touching it while drying to prevent creases or tears.
Finish the attic flooring and side walls before installing the roof. Join the front and back roof pieces with masking tape, then glue them to the dollhouse side walls, ensuring everything is square and even. Install the painted side back roofs, followed by the dormer window sub-assembly.
Finally, install the primed and wallpapered attic partition(s), making sure to use the correct wallpaper print on each side.