I'm currently working on the attic window sills, which need some touch-up painting.
I've been carefully preparing various parts of the dollhouse interior, focusing on wallpapering and finishing details. For the back wall, I wallpapered the interior since it will be visible through the front windows. I glued the wallpaper and secured it with masking tape. The center support received similar treatment, with a thin wallpaper strip added to its front edge to create a finished look.
I sanded and prepared the large bay parts, wallpapering the walls and painting the components before installation. The bay installation requires careful handling - they need to be tapped into place with a hammer/mallet, and glue should only be used when the instructions specify.
When working with this particular dollhouse, I discovered that using a heavily patterned wallpaper helps disguise the tricky interior details. I chose different patterns for different floors to enhance the visual appeal. After installation, I trimmed small wallpaper pieces to cover exposed tabs, which is a common challenge when wallpapering before assembly. The process involves meticulous attention to detail, ensuring each section looks neat and professionally finished.