Today, I continued siding the left side of the front wall of the dollhouse. It's important to ensure that the siding matches across every wall, even if it means adjusting the lines you've drawn.
During the siding process, I took breaks to add details to the windows, including installing shutters and bay roof trim. I also made my own L-shaped corner trim using plastic clamps and basswood strips. I continued installing the fascias, but noted that this particular dollhouse does not come with corner trim originally. As a result, the fascias are not long enough to support the extra millimeter added by the corner trim, so the corner trim will not be perfectly flush with the fascias. However, this is barely noticeable and becomes even less so once the brackets are installed. To avoid this issue, you can use a notched effect for the corner trim instead of sharp corners. This involves applying the corner trims against the dollhouse corners without butting them together in the front, creating a notch that runs down the corner. I opted for square corners on this dollhouse because it is more traditional and the dollhouse is for a customer.
I painted the bay roof tops to match the porch floor and foundation. You can also add sandpaper to the roofs if desired, though you may need to find large enough sandpaper for the top roof to minimize patching. When applying siding, make sure to get as close to the oval window as possible without cutting the siding around it, as this would be very difficult. Instead, apply the oval trim over the siding.
Finally, I glued on the front door knob, ensuring it is three inches from the bottom.