The Pierce Dollhouse Revisited Week 4

I continued assembling the porch pieces and decided not to add another color to the dollhouse. The brown blends well with the background as I add more white trim, and the white porch railing looks perfect against the brown backdrop.

I had already cut out paper templates for the roof parts and shingled them, so attaching the shingled roof was easy. Some adjustments were needed, but it was not difficult. I plan to leave the shingles their natural color and apply a coat of varnish to enhance their grain. The light shingles provide the missing color that the client wanted, featuring a light bisque/yellow tone.

I went to the office supply store and had two sheets of brick printed. The bricks turned out perfect - vibrant in color and printed on high-quality paper. I glued them around the base. While this detail is not part of a basic build, it adds a lot to the dollhouse and was very inexpensive. It also helps break up some of the brown from the base.