The McKinley Dollhouse Week 6

Before the third floor goes on, you have to install the bedroom wall, hallway doorway and false wall. This is very important because this hallway section will not be accessible once the third floor is in place. It must be finished beforehand.

The installation should be done in this order: hallway walkway first, bedroom wall second and false wall last. Installing these parts in this order, will allow for you to fit tabs into their slots without obstruction. As long as the third floor remains uninstalled, you can reach into the hallway from the top to wallpaper it later. First, wait for all parts to dry.

At first, I had thought of making the hallway and or the false wall area into a closet, but decided not to because the purpose of both areas is to make it appear as though it's the continuation of the first floor stairwell. The false wall gives the impression that the first floor staircase is running behind it onto the second floor. If you make it into a closet or remove it all together, the dollhouses layout will not make any sense. For this reason, I kept the integrity of the original floor plan.

After the parts are dry, I went ahead and primed and wallpapered the hallway and hallway walkway. I used two different patterns to differentiate the two areas. Remember to prime all walls before applying wallpaper to them and prime your floors in a similar color to your flooring cover.

While the wallpaper dried, I primed all of the other rooms, so they are ready for wallpaper.