The Coventry Cottage Dollhouse Day 3

I decided to install the porch roof trim. You can do this step now since it won't affect the dollhouse construction. It is similar to how the porch roof was installed and is much easier. 

Next, I added the porch and bay foundation. Using binder clips is helpful for this step. Just glue and clamp the foundation pieces to the tabs under the floor. 

I primed the main room on the first floor, including the ceiling. Be sure to paint the bay roof now before wallpapering, as it will be difficult to do later. I then stained the floors. 

Wallpapering the main room requires more wallpaper than usual due to the bays and its size. Make sure to buy extra wallpaper as I will need a lot of trim to cover defects from patching mine. 

I applied windows to the bays and installed all the exterior and interior trims for them. 

I assembled the door and clamped it to dry. Once dry, I dry-fitted it into the opening, but it was too small, so I had to sand it down until it fit. I then glued on the exterior and interior trim. I'm still finding gaps and small holes, which I'm spackling before applying touch-up paint. 

I started installing the kitchen bay. This assembly would have been easy if not for needing to attach the sill first due to its locking tab feature. I glued and clamped it together. My only advice is to follow the instructions carefully; otherwise, you may struggle with assembly. 

After it dried, I painted it with the first coat. I need to spackle all gaps and holes before painting again, and I also installed the roof trim.