The Half Scale Chantilly Dollhouse Day 5

After you prime your walls, you have to finish your floors before you apply wallpaper in order to prevent staining it by accident. I used a mixture of craft paint and gloss varnish to stain the floors. Sand them lightly after they are dry. Later when the dollhouse is complete, I will go over them with the gloss varnish for shine.

If your applying a floor cover that is not paper, leave it for later. Do not attempt to install it now as you need the bare floors to be able to fit the staircase. You will have to cut your flooring around it later.

I applied the wallpaper. Since this dollhouse has mullions on the windows, you must cut out your windows before you apply the wallpaper. The best way to do this is to present your wallpaper on the wall, shine a light on the exterior of the dollhouse and mark with a pencil the outline of the window. Then you can cut out the tracing with your scissors. Bend the paper slightly so you can make a little starter hole in the center of the window tracing and begin your cuts from there. After your windows are cut out, you can apply the wallpaper. Door openings can be cut with a craft knife after the wallpaper dries.

Your window cuts do not have to be perfect because there is interior window trim for the openings.

Now that the wallpaper is dry in this room, I can begin to install the staircase. I decided to make my staircase two toned. You must finish all of your staircase parts before you begin assembly.

This staircase is not too difficult but it will not be easy either. You must assemble your staircase exactly as the instructions tell you to or you will not be able to successfully finish it. This staircase is basically assembled in the dollhouse. This will be especially difficult in this smaller scale model. It will be a challenge to get your fingers into these tiny areas and make your staircase fit. You will need the door opening to have access to the backside of your staircase.

I used trim around the back and side edges of my staircase, just to give it a nicer look. All of the tabs and slots make it look a little rough on the back side. The trim hides everything well.