The Beacon Hill Dollhouse Revisited Week 18

Installing Bay Window Walls with Wallpaper

Wallpapering bay window walls requires careful technique and strategic application. Begin by measuring the wallpaper by wrapping it around the bay's exterior to ensure accurate sizing. Cut the wallpaper piece in half horizontally, preferably at the window sill, to simplify installation. Apply the bottom half first, taking care to adjust the fit before permanently gluing. Small measurement discrepancies can be easily patched, especially since window trim will cover most imperfections. After positioning the bottom section, apply the top half, ensuring both pieces fit together seamlessly without overlapping. The midpoint cut is ideal for creating an almost invisible seam, which will be further concealed by window sill trim. When the wallpaper paste is semi-dry, carefully cut out window openings. Timing is crucial - the surface should be damp enough to cut easily but not so wet that it tears.

Key Application Tips

Carefully press the wallpaper into all corners and joints, eliminating any air pockets that could complicate window trim installation. Use tacky glue instead of traditional wallpaper paste, as it dries thinner and flatter, which is essential for the precise interlocking window sill installation. Choose a heavily patterned wallpaper to help disguise any minor patches or inconsistencies in the application. This approach ensures a professional-looking finish for your bay window walls.