The Beacon Hill Dollhouse Revisited Week 2

Staining Dollhouse Windows

Creating stained glass windows for a dollhouse can be an easy and affordable process using basic materials like acetate windows, Sharpie markers, and clear nail polish. Start by working on a clean, smooth surface to prevent scratching the delicate acetate. Use the existing silk-screened pattern on the windows as a guide for your stained glass design. You can choose to stain entire windows or just specific sections like diamond panes.

The technique involves applying clear nail polish to the interior of the window, which creates a milky, crackled effect. Color can be added using Sharpie markers in various shades. To test designs without risking permanent damage, practice on the clear envelope that originally contained the windows. When coloring, use circular motions to achieve a more realistic stained glass appearance. Applying color to the interior of the window helps maintain neat mullions and provides a clean exterior view. If desired, you can use a black Sharpie to darken the window frames. For added detail, consider incorporating finger nail art into your window design.

While the process can be time-consuming with multiple windows, the result is a personalized and charming touch to your dollhouse.