The Westville Dollhouse Day 7

Now that the roof is dry, I can paint the overhangs. You have to use spackle to hide all the gaps between the roof panel and the wall. No matter how closely you had cut your siding to the edge of the wall, it will never butt up completely against the roof panel.

I glued the gable trim to the gable overhangs. They go flush against the outer edge. The verge boards or gable gingerbread will sit behind this trim. Binder clips are excellent for keeping them in place tightly. The tighter the glue on the edge, the less likely you will need spackle to hide the seams.

While that dried, I installed the attic windows. These are very simple to do. Spackle the inside edges, if there is a gap between the window trim and the siding of the wall. If you applied your siding like I did, before the windows, you will most likely have this gap.

Spackle is also very crumbly so you will soon have a mess around you. Don’t worry about it and let the crumbled pieces fall where they will. You will be tempted to wipe them up but don’t wipe them. Wiping them will smear them and you will be left with a big mess. Just let them fall in crumbs, so they are easy to sweep up or vacuum. Spackle dries almost instantly once it makes contact with air so the crumbs will dry very quickly and can be swept up immediately. Don’t leave them around so that children or pets can pick them up and eat them. Remember, this product is poisonous when ingested, so be cautious.

While the windows dried, I put on the gingerbread, “verge boards”, on the front gable. I painted the gable trim first after I unclamped it. Plastic clamps work great to hold them in place.

I then painted the spackle I put on the attic windows and glued on the panes. I stained the interior trim and glued it on as well.

I made this extra trim piece for the exposed edge in the interior attic roof panels where they meet. Since I’m using a geometric wallpaper pattern, it's very hard to match up the patterns to be able to hide this edge, so I glued on this trim piece instead.

Now I have to finish up the interior staircase. You have to laminate the trim to make the posts. Then there’s a railing on top. You have to create posts and add the hand rails to the staircase parts already installed as well.

I painted the back roof piece because I’m ready to put it in. While I wait for it to dry clamped, I assembled the chimney. The chimney pieces go together just like in the illustration.

The right gable trim is put on in the same way as the front. I used binder clips again to clamp it. The back gable also has gingerbread, only shorter, and it's installed in the same way.

This dollhouse also brought foundation trim, but since I sided my dollhouses before adding all of the trim, it's not needed so I’m not going to use it.

Notice that all of the edges of my roof panels are painted like the under overhangs. This will give the roof a finished look all around after the shingles are installed.