The porch railing of this dollhouse is quite challenging to assemble. If you want to paint the posts a different color from the rails, make sure to do so before putting everything together.
To assemble the railing correctly, it's essential to read the instructions carefully. They are detailed and include helpful illustrations. Photos alone may not show how the parts fit together, so follow the illustrations closely and dry fit everything before gluing. I recommend assembling all the railings first, dry fitting them to the dollhouse, and then gluing them together. The railings consist of many individual pieces, which can be confusing. Pay attention to the direction of the posts to avoid installing them backwards, and use the front box photo as a guide. This reference is invaluable for completing the railing.
In summary, the railings are made of two laminated pieces. The notched pieces should go on top for the bottom rail and on the bottom for the top rail, as the ends of the posts fit into these notches. This is why dry fitting is crucial; it’s easy to mix up the direction of the notches. I encountered a missing side notched piece in my kit, so I had to laminate a strip of balsa wood to the rail and align the individual posts by hand. It was tricky, but you can't tell by looking at the finished railing. As I added more components, the dark green color receded into the background, while the white and light green details became more prominent, enhancing the dollhouse's overall appearance.
I also finished installing the interior window and door trim. Some parts were missing, but I easily created replacements using balsa wood strips. It was odd since all sheets of this kit were accounted for.
Next, I put together the fireplace. These fireplaces are open at the back, so you need to cover them to avoid seeing wallpaper when they’re placed against a wall. I used sandpaper as a backing, which worked perfectly and looks great. Now, when I position the fireplace against a wall, it doesn’t show through. I stained my fireplace, but you can paint it any color or embellish it with jewelry fixings or wooden inlays. I glued the fireplace in the living room, but you can place it anywhere you like and choose not to glue it if you want to change its location later.