Today, I installed the double window, the attic windows, and the back roof. Before attaching the back roof, I added the supports and trusses. I chose to paint these white to match the wallpaper. Since they are oddly shaped and won’t be visible unless someone looks closely into the dollhouse, there’s no point in wallpapering them. However, they do enhance the finished look of the back roof and add stability.
After applying more spackle, I gave the dollhouse its second coat of paint and touched up various small areas. I painted the inside edges of all the gable roofs. The easiest way to do this is by turning the dollhouse upside down, allowing me to reach the undersides and foundation while painting. I used dark green for the gables to create contrast with the light green shingles I plan to apply.
I assembled the flower box, which I really like because it makes the dollhouse resemble a charming little shop. I also added skewers between the bay windows on the exterior. After dry fitting them first, I realized they make a significant difference in appearance. The skewers give the bays a polished look and added sturdiness. Finally, I painted and glued on the flower box.