The Rosedale Dollhouse Revisited Day 3

After wallpapering the stairwell wall, attach the stringer. Ensure all staircase parts are prepared and finished before installation, as the narrow design will make later finishing difficult. Install the risers, right stringer, and steps. Then, glue and clamp the right wall on top. Unlike before, the kitchen side wasn't wallpapered prior to installation, as it can be done later. Painting the white staircase presents challenges due to tight spaces. Use spackle applied with a Q-tip or fine brush to hide gaps. A hard bristle brush or foam brush can smooth paint between coats, especially in hard-to-reach areas. This method works best when the paint is almost dry. 

Although this staircase is mostly hidden, finish it as if fully visible. While elaborate decoration isn't necessary, proper completion is important. Once the subassembly is dry, add it to the first floor. Follow instructions carefully for subsequent wall and floor installations to ensure proper fit. 

The second floor installation will be particularly challenging. The left front wall may also pose difficulties due to numerous tabs that must be inserted simultaneously. After completing the walls, apply wood glue to all joints, being careful to avoid drips on the wallpapered stairwell and finished staircase. Floor protection is less critical if new flooring is planned.