I decided to take a break from such extensive trim work and do some shingling. I shingled the porch and kitchen bay roofs.
The shingles I am using are not birch veneer. They are cedar. This means they are much thicker and a little more difficult to work with. They can not be cut with scissors because that will cause them to break. This make detailed cuts harder. You must use an Easy Cutter to make your cuts with.
I used a siding strip, cut thin, to trim the joint between the shingles and the tower. For some reason a very annoying gap was there and I wanted it hidden. Using siding worked just fine.
I decided to stagger the lap widths between rows for a different design.
I hadn't realized that I had applied the wrong roof trim to the kitchen bay, so I removed it and installed the correct one.
I also shingled the left roof.
I used hot melt glue for the shingles, just like I do with birch veneer. Hot melt glue makes shingling faster and prevents your rows from shifting. Shingles are not structural, so hot melt glue holds just fine with time.