The Half Scale Diana Dollhouse Day 23

After I painted the siding, I installed the exterior window trim, sills and sill trim. As you can see, it would have been extremely difficult to cut siding around these details successfully.

You will need to use some kind of weight to hold your window trim flat against the siding.

You might have a slight gap under your window trim because of the extra thickness of the siding underneath. Use a Q-tip and fill with spackle. Then paint it.

I assembled the front porch steps. Notice in the pictures how they are put together. You begin their assembly through the bottom of the dollhouse.

If you want to make your steps and risers different colors, you must finish these parts before assembly. I plan to make them all one color so I was able to assemble the entire steps to finish them later.

I added the window shutters to the dollhouses. If you want the shutter trim to be a different color, you must finish it before laminating it to the shutter backs. Always paint everything before installation.

I then glued the finished shutters to the dollhouse. Having already installed the siding, I did not have to cut it around my shutters and I got a nicer, neater finish.