The Beacon Hill Dollhouse Day 15

Today, I started wallpapering the final room at the top of the house. 

While the wallpaper dried, I painted the remaining windows, including two dormers and a single window. Each window had many parts, but at least they will all be painted when it's time to assemble them. I also touched up the front dormers. The dollhouse is becoming heavy with all the added components and glue, so you’ll need help lifting it. 

I installed the last two dormer windows in the same order as the previous ones and left the roofs bare for now. I think I have some leftover sandpaper for one more roof, but I won’t tackle that until tomorrow. I added decorative pieces on top of the interior trim of the two finished dormers. 

Additionally, I've done quite a bit of spackling. I needed to spackle where the bay sides meet the walls, and since my finger was too big for that area, I used a skewer cut in half for better maneuverability. This skewer also worked well for applying spackle to tiny areas like slightly broken window sills. 

If your tower roof is removable, remember to spackle the slots underneath to conceal them. You’ll need a lot of spackle for this, applying two coats to cover properly. Since it will continue to sink in, let one coat dry completely before applying another to smooth it out. I also added the vertical trim around the tower opening so it looks finished when the tower roof is removed.