The Beacon Hill Dollhouse Revisited Week 26

Tower Roof Bash

There are several ways to modify this room, but here’s how I approached it. First, keep in mind that this room is very small — cute, but tiny. Before you proceed with the modification, consider the limited space. There's no way to enlarge the room without changing the dollhouse's exterior, which I wanted to avoid. This is a straightforward modification that maintains the dollhouse's overall integrity.

Given the room's size, I opted for a faux attic door instead of a functional one, as described in my last post. A real door would take up too much space, essentially making the entire floor of the tiny room unusable. Transforming the tower roof into a room isn't as simple as leaving the back open; you'll need to make some cuts. If you don't have power tools, like me, you can use a rotary tool's cutting piece. Unfortunately, I lost mine and had to rely on a craft knife or box cutter. Be careful and patient while cutting, as the plywood is quite hard. It may take several firm passes with the box cutter to break through. A metal straightedge can help guide your cuts until you penetrate the material.

Lay out your tower parts and note how I cut them in the photos below. If you kept your tower base intact like I did, remember to cut off the bottom tabs from these pieces. These tabs are meant to fit into the tower base's center opening, but since I left that closed for a floor in my tower room, they are no longer needed. Leaving them on will raise your tower room higher than intended and prevent you from gluing it securely to the base.

After cutting your parts as shown in the photos, assemble them correctly. Improper assembly will prevent you from fitting the curved mansard roof panels later. The curved roof on the front and sides is a key architectural feature of this dollhouse that should not be altered. Below is a photo of the assembled room positioned on the tower base for a preview of how it will look once finished; however, it is not glued down yet. This is just a dry fit to give you an idea of the final appearance. I recommend finishing the interior of the room before gluing it in place on the base.