The Lily Dollhouse Day 16

It's time to begin shingling after the corner mansard trims have dried and gaps around the roof have been spackled. Due to the steep slope of this roof, a template cannot be used, requiring each shingle to be carefully measured and cut around the trims. The decision to attach dormers before or after shingling is optional. In this case, they will be added afterwards for a more finished look and to avoid fitting shingles around them. 

The white posterboard panels were painted brown to match the stain color, preventing white from showing between shingles. Hot glue was used to attach the shingles, following ruled lines similar to those on templates. The shingle pattern mimics the box design, alternating between square and octagon shapes. Staining was done after the shingles were attached. A gap exists between the roof panels and the top roof verge board, which can be addressed later with wood trim or fabric. While the stain dried, spackled areas were sanded and touched up. 

Finally, the dormers were glued to their openings, requiring clamping from both inside and outside.